Monday, July 31, 2017

Activity 5.2 Blog Post Resources

So my Integration of Information & Computer Technology (IICT) course for York U wants me to make an entry here about and educational blogger that floats my proverbial boat. But I'm feeling contrary and I'm not going to do (quite) that. I want to point to a couple of other non-blog internet sources I use that fulfill some of the same functions as blog.

I go to every day. It's usually the place I go to first on the Internet. Is avid the right word to describe my use? On the most superficial level, Reddit is a link aggregator. Users (redditors) post links to things they find. The community (other redditors) can vote those links up or down. The most popular links end up on the front page.

That's reddit on a superficial level. Reddit is also a collection of communities organized as subreddits each of which has it's own focus some of which are moderated and many, many of which are not. Redditors can subscribe to subreddits and its posts will end up on their main feed. Some of the subreddits are pretty rough and tumble. Some are completely offensive. Some are brilliant.

There are lots of education related subreddits or ones that support my teaching or computer interests.

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