Thursday, June 14, 2007

Hunting the elusive snark, er... job.

This relevance of this post is restricted by geography. Some parts only to Ottawa and the Ottawa Carleton District School Board (OCDSB). Other parts apply to Ontario, more generally.

At one point during the school year just past, there was some discussion about the bureaucratic hoops we needed to jump through to get our certification from the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) and to get hired locally in Ottawa. Here are a couple of things I learned yesterday that I didn't know before and that had tripped me up.
  1. The OCT needs a number of documents from you in order to complete your application and issue your license to teach in Ontario. One is a recommendation from your Faculty and another, not surprisingly, is a transcript of your marks. The Faculty of Education at Ottawa U. will automatically forward a recommendation to the OCT for you. However, your transcript comes from the Registrar's Office and, as a result, you must initiate the forwarding of your transcript to the OCT. I got caught on this and, as a result, there's now a delay in processing my application to the College.
  2. You can request a transcript online and the neat thing about doing so is you can make the request prior to convocation/graduation and it will be processed when your transcript is available.
  3. If you want to be a substitute teacher in the OCDSB or apply for an Extended Occasional Term (EOT) contract (which is what gets posted to replace someone on maternity leave, for instance) then you have to get on the Occasional Teachers List. To get on the Occasional Teachers List, a principal needs to recommend you electronically on applytoteach. I had thought that you needed to have your OCT application complete and finished and processed before the principal could do this but I was wrong. I called Human Resources at the OCDSB and they said that that was up to the principal's discretion. Obviously, you have to have enough of your portfolio completed on applytoeach for the principal to be able to review it.

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