Monday, January 12, 2009

Due Dates and the Clarity of Expectations

BTT1O were to hand in their summatives today. I'd told myself to be ready for some students not to be done. I was trying to psych myself up to be a tough guy about it. I was not prepared for almost everyone not to be done. This included a couple of my star students.

On reflection, I did not lay out the tough guy, hard ass expectations all that clearly up front and I have, in general, not done a clear and explicit job of handling due dates. (Which are a mess in the Ontario system, now.) In fact, I need to generally do a better job of being explicit in my expectations with both BTT1O and ICS3M.

I thought that the expectations in terms of what to hand in were well laid out in the summative assignment this time around. I got that part right. But I should have spoken to the importance of meeting the deadline and that the deadline was the beginning of the class.

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